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By: Duško Grbović, museum advisor

On August 15, 2024, the exhibition “The Second Balkan War in Photos and Documents” was opened in the Gallery of the Regional Museum of Jagodina. The author of the exhibition is professor Dejan Antić, phd, from the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš. The exhibition was created in 2023 on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the Second Balkan War and was held in numerous places in Serbia and North Macedonia. It is the result of the author’s systematic research in archival and museum institutions on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Numerous original documents, postcards, photographs were exhibited, and the exhibition was also enriched with various types of plans. The reviewers of the exhibition were important names in Serbian historical science: Bojan Dimitrijević, phd, Slaviša Nedeljković, phd and Sofija Božić, phd.

The exhibition was held in Jagodina on the occasion of the 111th anniversary of the Second Balkan War. It shows the participation of the Kingdom of Serbia in this war, the result of which was the division of the territories liberated from Turkish rule in the First Balkan War. The display of the exhibition in the Regional Museum was enriched with the panels of the exhibition “Moravian District in the Balkan Wars 1912–1913.” and items from the collections of the Regional Museum, with the aim of completing the exhibition materials and showing the participation of people from the area of Jagodina and its surroundings in the Second Balkan War.

At the opening of the exhibition, its author, Dejan Antić, spoke about the history of the Second Balkan War. He pointed out that the victory in the Second Balkan War represented the triumph of the idea of Serbian integralism. Duško Grbović, historian, museum advisor of the Regional Museum, focused his presentation on the panels and items of the Regional Museum. He spoke about the significant role of people from the area of Jagodina in the Second Balkan War (Milovan Miloradović, Vukoman Aračić etc.). Dušan Marković, acting director of the Regional Museum, declared the exhibition open and mentioned his grandfather, Joksim Marković, a cavalry captain from the village of Gornje Štiplje, a participant in the First and Second Balkan Wars. He said that the Balkan Wars brought together the Serbian people from both sides of the Drina River. He also expressed great gratitude to the local self-government for the help in the work of the Regional Museum.

The opening of the exhibition was also attended by Mrs. Snežana Bošković, assistant to the mayor of Jagodina, the president of the Sokolac Municipal Assembly in the Republic of Srpska, as well as students of the 5th grade of the elementary school from Sokolac.

Visitors to the Regional Museum will be able to view this exhibition until September 20, 2024.