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At the “Cities in focus” contest, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, with co-financing from the City of Jagodina, enabled the equipment of the photo studio of the Regional Museum of Jagodina by purchasing photo equipment in the amount of one million dinars.

The last time the most necessary photo equipment was acquired, also with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture, in 2013, but apart from the fact that it did not meet the expanded needs of the museum’s work, there was also the problem that one of the two lenses owned by the museum was not functioning.

The new equipment was acquired according to the Recommendations for the creation and management of digital photo-documentation in cultural heritage protection institutions issued by the Central Institute for Conservation in cooperation with the Photographers’ section of the Association of Serbian Conservators.

The Regional Museum is one of the first museums in Serbia that started the process of digitizing museum materials and museum documentation in 2018, which is a mandatory and legally prescribed form of museum activity. We can also boast that we are in the group of museum institutions that have digitized the largest part of the material. Currently, 70% of the museum’s objects have been digitized, and in addition to that, the entire secondary museum documentation has been digitized – all the exhibitions that our museum has organized since its foundation until today, all the publications that we are the publisher of, as well as the newspaper material that is regularly updated.

Equipping the photo studio with flagship equipment will speed up and facilitate our digitization work, and thus make museum items available to the public, which is the main goal of our activity.