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After the end of the summer season, the Regional Museum switched to its usual working hours on weekdays from 8 am to 6 pm and on Saturdays from 10 am to 3 pm.

During July and August, the Museum was open for visitors until 9:00 p.m., thus meeting the needs of the summer tourist season and making the Museum more accessible to all our fellow citizens, as well as to numerous tourists staying in the city. That this was a good decision is evidenced by the fact that during the summer the Regional Museum was visited by thousands of visitors.

The summer at the Museum began with Vidovdan evening, when Vidovdan was celebrated in front of a large audience, a national holiday established as a sign of memory and respect for all those who fought for the homeland throughout history. The guests at this ceremony were the “Black Bear” Knights’ troupe and the choir of the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, who performed under the direction of Mrs. Ljiljana Mileusnić Marković. The curators of the Museum, Smiljana Dodić, an archaeologist, and Duško Grbović, a historian, spoke about the medieval period in these areas and the medieval cultural heritage that our museum preserves in its collections.

In cooperation with Mr. Stanko Ljubanić and the “Mitopeja” literary society, of which he is the editor-in-chief, on July 29, as is happening all over the world this year, we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the publication of the book “The Fellowship of the Ring”, the first volume of one of the most popular and influential works literature of the 20th century, the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy. As part of the program, a documentary film about Tolkien and his famous work, edited by Mr. Ljubanić, was broadcast.

On the occasion of the 111th anniversary of the Second Balkan War, on August 15, 2024, the exhibition “The Second Balkan War in Photographs and Documents” was opened in the Gallery of the Regional  Museum of Jagodina, authored by Dejan Antić phd, professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš. This exhibition was visited in numerous places in Serbia and North Macedonia, and the display in Jagodina was supplemented with panels from the exhibition “The Moravian District in the Balkan Wars 1912–1913.”, authored by Duško Grbović, museum advisor, and items from the collections of the Regional Museum, showing the participation of people from the area of ​​Jagodina and its surroundings in the Second Balkan War.

At the end of June, Women’s association from Republika Srpska visited our city. Accompanied by Marija Jovanović, assistant to the mayor of Jagodina, ninety ladies led by Mrs. Biljana Petković, MP, also visited our institution.

As part of the tourist event “Open Day”, which is traditionally held every year in Jagodina, all our fellow citizens and visitors to our city had the opportunity to visit the tourist and cultural sights of Jagodina for free. The Regional Museum was the first stop for visitors who came to our city from all over Serbia. Almost five thousand guests from Zrenjanin, Pirot, Niš, Kragujevac and other cities viewed the permanent exhibition of our museum and the exhibition about the Second Balkan War.

Satisfied with the realization of “Summer in the Museum”, we continue further work on the preparation of activities planned until the end of the year, the most important of which is certainly the celebration of the jubilee – 70 years of the Regional Museum of Jagodina. The ceremony will be held on September 30, and as part of the program, an exhibition of Sretko Divljan, an artist and art pedagogue, will be opened to mark 50 years of life and work in Jagodina.