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Summer at the museum

During the summer months, the Regional Museum of Jagodina will adjust its working hours to the audience and high summer temperatures. In order to best respond to the needs of the summer tourist season and to make the Museum as accessible as possible to our…

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Our museum got a new acting director

At the first session of the new convocation of the Assembly of the City of Jagodina, Dušan Marković was appointed as the new acting director. Marković was born in Jagodina. For over ten years, he has been active in non-governmental organizations that deal with the…

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Heritage in Jaws of Life

By: Branislav Cvetković, museum advisor Activities of museum professionals, as well as those from protection of monuments of culture in general, are based on strict procedures aimed at preservation and research of cultural assets, in accordance with legal acts, and on creating the best possible documentation…

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