As part of the "Museums for 10" manifestation on World Museum Day on May 18, 2023, at the Coal Mining Museum in Senjski Rudnik, we hung out with elementary school students from nearby Resavica. About twenty fifth-grade pupils of the "Vuk Karadžić" Primary School in…
The lecture will be held on May 17, 2023.
On Wednesday, May 17, at 7 p.m., on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the Balkan Wars, a lecture will be held in the Gallery of the Regional Museum of Jagodina: "The story about Jagodina and its vicinity in the Balkan Wars of 1912–1913…
By: Smiljana Dodić, museum аdvisor, archaeologist
Оn May 16, 2023, the exhibition "Manasija Monastery - six decades of research and protection" will be opened in the Coal Mining Museum in Senjski Rudnik as a part of the manifestation "Museums for 10". Compared to the original exhibition,…
Virtual exhibition
We inform you that the holding of the European Night of Museums and the start of the event "Museums for 10", planned for Saturday, May 13, has been canceled in Serbia due to tragic events. For that reason, the Regional Museum of Jagodina will not…
An exhibition of Slobodan Štetić, one of the most successful visual artists in Jagodina, who has gained recognition even outside the borders of our country, was opened in the Regional Museum in Jagodina. He had his first and only solo exhibition in the Regional Museum…
By: Duško Grbović, museum adviser
In the period from May 13 to 19, the manifestation "Museums for 10" will be held in Serbia for the ninth time. The event includes: European Night of Museums (May 13), International Museum Day (May 18) and National Museum Week. The…
By: Duško Grbović, museum adviser
After Jagodina, Trstenik, Ćuprija, Staro Selo, Prokuplje, Aleksinac, Vršac, Kragujevac, the exhibition "General Dušan Dodić - hero of the Great War" arrived in Vrnjačka Banja. It was installed in the premises of the Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism in Vrnjačka…
By: Branislav Cvetković, museum advisor
Idea and practice of good, useful and professional museology is not to glorify states, nations or ideologies but to reliably interpret phenomena from history, social and natural spheres, for those who want to know, not those who only want to believe.…
By: Jasmina Trajkov, museum advisor
In the rich collection of photographs of the Regional Museum of Jagodina, the largest percentage are family photographs. Photography, as a powerful medium of mass communication, has become an indispensable part of the life of a modern bourgeois family, enabling everyone…
Virtual exhibition