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Avramovac – the first Serbian glass factory

By: Jasmina Trajkov, museum advisor The first industrial production in Serbia was started near Jagodina in 1846 with the establishment of the Avram Petronijević glass factory on the location between the villages of Mišević and Belica. The factory operated well for some time, but could not…

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Written in stone – Whose brain is this?

By: Nevena Cvetković, senior curator What is a chance of finding a fossilized brain? Incredibly small! In fact, soft brain tissue is almost never preserved in the fossil record, instead the endocranial casts are, being shaped only under specific sedimentary conditions. After the death of…

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“To my little puppy …”

By: Jasmina Trajkov, museum advisor For more than a century, March 8 has been International Women's Day around the world. In 1975, the United Nations recognized it as an official holiday dedicated to the struggle for women's human rights, ie the day in which we…

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Aleksandar Zograf visited our museum

By: Smiljana Dodić, museum advisor At the beginning of July 2021, one of Serbian  most famous cartoonists, Sasa Rakezic, alias Aleksandar Zograf, visited the Regional Museum in Jagodina.  During the last decade, this internationally recognized artist has been dealing with various archeological issues, especially the…

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