In 2014, the Republic Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments and the Regional Museum of Jagodina organized the exhibition “Manasija Monastery – six decades of research and protection” in the Jagodina museum, which presented the results of the multi-decade research and conservation work of the Republic Institute in the Manasija monastery complex to the Pomoravlje audience. The authors of the exhibition were members of the research team in Manasija, dec. Marin Brmbolić, Dragoljub Todorović, Katarina Lazarević (Mitić) – from the Republic Institute, and Smiljana Dodić from the Regional Museum of Jagodina. The grand plans for guest visits of the exhibition were hampered by the sudden death in the same year of Marin Brmbolić, head of archaeological research but the exhibition still found its way to domestic and international audiences, firstly at the invitation of the Presidency of Republic of Serbia, at the International knight festival JUST OUT in the Manasija monastery, in 2015 and in 2017, and then at the invitation of the Krajina Museum in Prijedor, Gradiška and Novi Grad in 2017, and in the National Museum of Zaječar in 2018.
We were recently invited by the Kruševac National Museum, with a proposed date of April 7 – May 5, and the Coal Mining Museum in Senjski Rudnik, during the “Museums for 10” festival from May 13 – 20, 2023. The planned visits are another opportunity to present the monumental heritage of Moravan Serbia in its seat, Kruševac, and the only museum on the territory of the Despotovac municipality, in Senjski Rudnik, and especially to introduce to the general public with extremely rich finds discovered during the systematic research of the endowment and last resting place of despot Stefan Lazarević. The exhibition will feature hundred archaeological objects and copies of frescoes that are kept in the Regional Museum of Jagodina, along with 14 informative panels and a leaflet by designer Đorđe Filipović.