After Mihajlo Đorđević (1851–1891), the first recorded photographer born in Jagodina, who worked during the eighth decade of the 19th century, the next photographer from Jagodina was Milan M. Vučić (1873–1937). He first started taking photos as an amateur, and he was one of the participants in the First Exhibition of Photo Amateurs held in Belgrade in 1901. Shortly after this exhibition, he opened a photographic studio in the center of Jagodina, which was very productive. In 1910, Vučić opened a cinema in Jagodina called “Elektro-cinema M. M. Vučić”. After the Balkan Wars, he was no longer involved in photography but engaged himself in showing films, working with members of his family in that business, who continued to run the cinema even after Vučić’s death.