As the second in a series of virtual presentations of the creativity of young visual artists of Pomoravlje, we present the photos of Milena Milenković from Paraćin, who is very successful in artistic photography and exhibits her works in the country and abroad, and so far she has received about 90 medals and awards for her work. By the decision of the Artistic Council of the Photo Association of Serbia in 2020, she obtained the artistic title of Candidate Master of Photography and thus became the youngest woman to be awarded this title. The most common topic she deals with is the act that allows her to embody her idea in the best way, to which she returns again and again and explores each time from a different aspect. The naked body in her photographies is a metaphor for the other side of the personality – the alter ego, and the introduction of both the female and male bodies is a symbol of the dualism hidden in every person. In the works presented at this virtual exhibition, Milena tries to present the inner struggle and fears that are hidden in each of us, which she evokes by placing the body behind a semi-transparent screen, glass or showing it covered with a drape.